To help you on your fundraising journey, we have some tips and tools to get the message out, inspire support and kickstart donations!
If you’re interested in a volunteer van ride, shift at our free supermarket or experience at our Refettorio, please contact the team at
Your Recipe For Success!
1. Finalise Your Fundraising Page
After you’ve registered, complete your personal fundraising page! Teams and individuals with fundraising pages are known to raise the most amount of money! Tip: we suggest you make the first donation. This will show everyone else how easy it is, and it will set the pace for your fundraising campaign!
2. Get The Word Out!
Update your e-signature, post on your social media or blast out a media release! All assets can be found below however, if you would like some personalised content, please let us know and we can create this for you.
3. Start Fundraising
Some participants raise all their funds by reaching out to their networks on social media channels or on the day of the event, others host fundraising events, raffles or bake offs. We’ve got several ideas to help you fundraise in our toolkit below.
Fundraising toolkit
From tips on how to hit the sweet spot with your supporters to recipes for making your fundraising efforts sizzle – this toolkit is jam-packed full of goodness.

Community CookOff Toolkit
DownloadEMAIl signatures
Update your email signature with the branded banners with a link to your fundraising page.

Community CookOff email signature 1 - Team
Community CookOff email signature 1 - Individual
Community CookOff email signature 2 - Team
Community CookOff email signature 2 - Individual
Community CookOff email signature 3 - Individual
Community CookOff email signature 3 - Team
Download these social media tiles which are perfect for your social accounts - LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Blast out a message to let everyone know what you are doing and why. Don’t forget to include a link to your personal fundraising page!

Community CookOff Social Tile 1
Community CookOff Social Tile 2
Community CookOff Social Tile 3
Community CookOff Social Tile 4
Community CookOff Social Tile 6
Community CookOff Social Tile 7
Community CookOff Social Tile 8
Community CookOff Social Tile 9
Community CookOff Social Tile 10
Let your PR team know that you’re participating (we've even created a template press release for them).